8th Edition, Bucharest

October 12-13, 2018

Radisson Blu Hotel

Co-Hosted by

The Power of Storytelling (PoS) is an (un)conference built on the idea that well-crafted stories connect people, heal wounds, inspire, lead, and create change.

This year, we’re focusing on how good storytelling can change our understanding, and our perspective. The writer Joan Didion said we tell stories in order to live. They are a tool to make sense of the world around us, but also of our own identities, and our place in our communities.

In other words, we are the stories we tell ourselves.

In this era of disinformation, division, and distrust, all of us – journalists, artists, communicators, change makers of all kinds – can use better storytelling to rewrite the exiting narratives, and craft a better, more inclusive and more connected future.


Our amazing 2018 speakers includes master narrators who have changed the landscape of audio storytelling, reshaped our understanding of inequality, challenged our intuitions about what it means to take creative risks, and provoked our assumptions about how we collaborate with our communities – fans, buyers, members, consumers.

Brian Reed


is the host and co-creator of S-Town, one of the world’s most famous podcast, with over 70 million downloads.

Jennifer Brandel


is a conversation innovator in journalism, and the CEO of Hearken, which she started to help the public have more power.

Jonah Sachs


is an expert in telling stories to push social change. His latest book, Unsafe thinking, was published in April to great reviews.

Anna Rosling Rönnlund


is a world-renowned Swedish designer, and founder of Dollar Street; she uses visuals to help explain the world and its inequalities.

Andy Mills


is an audio wizard, and one of the producers of The New York Times podcast sensations: The Daily, and Caliphate.

Mila Turajlic


is an award-winning documentary filmmaker, an archive junkie and researcher, a scholar of cinematic storytelling and memory.


Registration will open mid-summer, but you can book your spot early through the special DoR subscription, Storyteller. It includes a year’s worth of DoR magazine (published in Romanian), as well as access to the conference.

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